The topic of discussion today was taking up the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. As a form of defense, we demonstrated how the Shield of Faith is like someone saying I’m not loved and I block it with my shield saying "NO, I KNOW (have faith, believe) JESUS LOVES ME!" Then I move forward with my Sword of the Spirit saying "GOD’S WORD SAYS SO!" As a form of offense, we learned how our Shield of Faith can be like praying for someone who is hurting, struggling, or needs Jesus (brothers, sisters, moms, dads, cousins, grandpas, grandmas, friends ...) then moving forward with our Sword of the Spirit by praying God’s promises over that person. Calvary Chapel Markesan kids are super smart! They know a sharp sword is more effective than a dull one. The Sword of the Spirit is sharpened when we read, learn about, and memorize Bible verses. The MORE we read, learn and memorize what’s in the Bible, the sharper our sword gets - which helps a lot when we battle the lies that want to enter our mind and heart. The sharper it is the better we can cut off the lies of the enemy. We looked at the sword mentioned in Hebrews 4:12. God is ALWAYS with us and, like the Shield of Faith, we use our Sword of the Spirit along with God’s strength and not just our own. Isn’t it great to know He is with us in this? Most of our kids had heard Romans 8:31 before. Parents and grandparents - are you ready to read or tell these young ones a few of your favorite Bible stories or talk about some of your favorite promises from God? If not, get ready .... because the kids are excited to ask ya! With God on our side when we do what He asks of us, we are unstoppable! Today we made swords!