The third temptation of Jesus in the wilderness finds Him on a high mountain listening to the devil promise to give Him everything He sees. On one condition - that Jesus worship him. Seriously? As God’s son, Jesus ALREADY HAS EVERYTHING. Hello? We talked about how the devil can NEVER offer us anything that is better than what God has for us ... by a long shot! The devil's promises are empty and full of lies. God's Word holds the real promises and the real truth. The kids shared some of the temptations they face. Like Jesus, we can stand up to the devil by reciting Bible verses. Like Jesus, we can tell the devil to go away. God gave us a powerful weapon to help fight against temptation - the Bible. His Word reminds us of what is true, even when Satan tries to tempt us to forget it. The key to using Bible verses is to know them! The kids are excited about the next memory verse! The verse Jesus used in the third temptation was to worship the Lord our God and serve only Him. To help us remember, the kid's got some googley eyes and made binoculars to remind them to look for God's way first!